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Associates of the Order of the Ascension

The renewal and development of a parish is a process of entering more deeply into the life of Christ and the nature and mission of the Church. A parish is being renewed as it enters into and reflects the mind, heart and work of Christ. A parish is being renewed as it enters into and reflects the unity, holiness, catholicity and apostolicity of the Church. A parish is being renewed as it pursues the mission of holy unity. Parish development is our striving, as a community of Christian people, toward God. It is not primarily something we do, or create, or make happen. It is the way in which a parish, a local manifestation of the Holy Catholic Church, shares in the Divine Life. It is living the Christian life, not simply as individuals, but as a people. Robert Gallagher, OA


Associates participate in the life of the Order of the Ascension in their love of the people of their parish church, as they seek holiness of life, and increase their ability to contribute to the parish by a life of Christian proficiency and basic competence in the work of parish development and revitalization.

           Learn more

For stability means that I must not run away from where my battles are being fought, that I have to stand still where the real issues have to be faced. Obedience compels me to re-enact in my own life that submission of Christ himself, even though it may lead to suffering and death, and conversatio, openness, means that I must be ready to pick myself up, and start .all over again in a pattern of growth which will not end until the day of my final dying. And all the time the journey is based on that Gospel paradox of losing life and finding it. ..my goal is Christ.   Esther deWaal

A Rule for Associates 

The Prayer Book Pattern

Our life in community, our reflection, and our service are nurtured from the soil of the Daily Office and Eucharist. The day-by-day connection with Scripture and common prayer and the weekly receiving of Body and Blood orient us to the ways of eternity and feed us for faithfulness in our life at work, with friends and family and in civic life.


Read two books each year in the field of ascetical/pastoral theology and/or organization development/psychology. 


According to their vocation and gifts, Associates engage in appropriate forms of service, evangelization and stewardship in their daily life (work, civic life, family and friendships, the parish). Make a yearly financial contribution to the Order.

                 The details of the Rule, and how to join


For the fully Christian life is a Eucharistic life: that is, a natural life conformed to the pattern of Jesus, given in its wholeness to God, laid on His altar as a sacrifice of love, and consecrated, transformed by His inpouring life, to be used to give life and food to other souls.  Evelyn Underhill

Associates in the Parish Church

Associates of religious orders are scattered throughout the church. There are clergy in charge of parishes and laity who serve on vestries, in liturgy and programs to assist the poor and most vulnerable. There are those whose service is primarily in their daily life with family and friends, co-workers and citizens. All help ground their parishes in a life of prayer. 

You may feel called to serve as part of the Order of the Ascension by joining in our work of shaping healthy and faithful parish churches. Associates give themselves to a rule that involves prayer, learning and action. All of that specifically in relation to the parish church. It is a way for some to more fully give themselves to a Eucharistic Life.
